The website ¿Hoy Qué Hay?.info and its services on these pages are offered by Bonazure S.L.
Bonazure S.L.
CIF: B90010752
Company registered in Seville, Spain.
The intellectual property rights of the website and its contents, its design, underlying computer programs (including source codes), as well as distinctive elements that make up the website (texts, graphic elements, photographs, videos, voice recordings, etc.), are property of Bonazure S.L. The distinctive elements included in the website (logos, brand and trade names) are property of Bonazure S.L. or its licensors. The User may not reproduce, process, distribute, publicly communicate, extract and/or reuse the design elements of the website, its contents and/or logos. Bonazure S.L. is open to any ideas, recommendations or critics about Nevertheless, there is no obligation to compensate in any way the voluntarily made suggestions to our company or any member of our team. You can send us your message using the contact form.